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ELAN SRF General Documentation Books and Papers on SRF  · 

Overview Lectures, Books and Paper on SRF technology

This page contains information on books and papers relevant for SRF.


The SRF workshops have intorduced lectures for new students:
2005 lectures
2007 lectures

The ILC Accelerator Schools also offer lectures on SRF and related topics:
2006 lectures
2007 lectures
2008 lectures


[Padamsee et al. 1998]
H. Padamsee, J. Knobloch, and T. Hays, RF Superconductivity for Accelerators,
John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

[Tilley and Tilley 1990]
D. Tilley and J. Tilley, Superfluidity and Superconductivity, IOP, 3rd edition,

[Buckel 1993]
W. Buckel, Supraleitung, VCH, 5th edition, 1993.

[CAS 1996]
CAS-CERN Accelerator School : Superconductivity in Particle Accelerators , 17 - 24 May 1995 , Hamburg, Germany /Turner, Stuart (ed.)
1996 Geneva : CERN, . - 361 p [CERN-96-03]

[CAS 2002]
CAS - CERN Accelerator School on Superconductivity and Cryogenics for Accelerators and Detectors - CAS 2002 , 8 - 17 May 2002 , Erice, Sicily, Italy /Russenschuck, S (ed.); Vandoni, G (ed.) 2004 Geneva : CERN, . - 414 p [CERN-2004-008]

[Mess et al. 1996]
K. Mess, P. Schmüser, and S. Wol , Superconducting Accelerator Magnets,
World Scientific, 1996.

[Pekeler 1996]
M. Pekeler, Untersuchungen der feldbegrenzenden Mechanismen
in supraleitenden Niob-Resonatoren, PhD thesis, Universität
Hamburg, August 1996, DESY M 96-16.


[Padamsee 2001]
H. Padamsee, The science and technology of superconducting
cavities for particle accelerators, Supercond. Sci. Tech., 14:R28,

[Kneisel 1980]
P. Kneisel, Surface preparations of niobium, In Proceedings of the
Workshop on RF Superconductivity [Kuntze 1980], p. 27, KFK-3019.

[Pekeler et al. 1995]
M. Pekeler et al., An advanced rotating T-R mapping and its
diagnosis of TESLA 9-cell superconducting cavity, in Proceedings
of the Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference
on High Energy Accelerators, p. 1639, 1995.

[Aune et al. 2000]
B. Aune et al., The Superconducting TESLA Cavities, PRST-AB,
3, September 2000, 092001.

[Kneisel 1999]
P. Kneisel, Preliminary experience with �in-situ� baking of niobium
cavities, In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on RF Superconductivity
[Krawcyk 1999], pp. 328�335.

[Visentin 2003]
B. Visentin, Q-slope at high gradients: Review about experiments
and explanations, in Proceedings of 11th Workshop Superconducting RF,

[Saito et al. 1989]
K. Saito et al., Electropolishing of L-Band cavities, In Proceedings
of the 4th Workshop on RF Superconductivity [Kojima 1990], pp. 635 � 695,
KEK Report 89-21.

[Saito et al. 1997a]
K. Saito et al., High accelerating gradients in niobium L-Band
cavities, Particle Accelerators, 60:193, 1997.

[Saito et al. 1997b]
K. Saito et al., Superiority of Electropolishing over Chemical
Polishing on High Gradients, In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on
RF Superconductivity [Palmieri 1997], pp. 759 � 813.

[Saito et al. 1999]
K. Saito et al., High Gradient Performance by Electropolishing
with 1300 MHz Single and Multi-cell Niobium Superconducting
Cavities, In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on RF Superconductivity
[Krawcyk 1999], pp. 288�291.

[Lilje et al. 2004]
L. Lilje et al., Improved Surface Treatment of the Superconducting
TESLA Cavities, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, 516:213, 2004.

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